1、A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。
2、A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 好书如挚友,情谊永不渝。
3、A little help is worth a deal of pity.一点帮助胜于一车同情。
4、Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing. 选择朋友要审慎,摒弃更要审又慎。
5、Choose an author as you choose a friend.选书如择友。
6、Friendship is like a plant of slow growth. 友谊像生长着的植物,是慢慢地建立起来的。
7、Friendship is to be strengthened by truth and devotion.友谊要以真实和忠诚来巩固。
8、I like a si-mp-le friend, who holds my faults like a looking glabefore my face. 我喜欢这样的朋友,他对我的缺点就像照镜子一样直言不讳。
9、Life without a friend is death without a witness.在世无朋友,死后无证人。
10、Most men’s friendships are too inarticulate. 人的友谊是无法言喻的。
11、Thy friend has a friend and thy friend‘s friend has a friend so be discreet.你的朋友有朋友,朋友的朋友又有朋友,所以要谨慎小心。
12、friend is a second self.朋友是另一个我。
13、A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.交友慢,失友快。
14、A friend without faults will never be found. 没有缺点的朋友是永远找不到的。
15、A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend. 开玩笑总不能化敌为友,反而有时会失去朋友。
16、All are not friends that speak us fair.当面说好话的并不都是朋友。
17、Between friends all is common. 朋友间不分彼此。
18、Man is known by the company he keeps.从其交友知其为人。
19、Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present.忠言虽难听,必须记在心
20、Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at present.忠言虽难听,必须记在心